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I hate taxes!

Posted: March 27th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: Articles, Business | No Comments »

Yes, I said it. I hate taxes, who doesn’t? I know why we have to pay them, taxes help build roads, infrastructure, schools and more. However, don’t you as a small business owner, get sick and tired of working your ass off to pay these banksters who are getting our tax dollars?

Think about it, the government takes about 12% to 15% or more of your hard earned money and for what? Depending on how much you make a year, that equals a lot of time you work just to pay the government so they can give your money away to big banks and corporations. Think about this, if you make $100,000 a year you would be paying close to $15,000 in taxes for the year. That means you work about 2 full months to pay the government only, that is not fair at all and to watch it go to waste is a kick in the teeth to me.

Small businesses is what makes America work, without us, there would be no America and no economy at all. Small businesses employes the most people and pay the most taxes. Big business does not! Many times big businesses have so many ways of hiding tax money that they really do not contribute that much if any. We also have members of congress that are hiding their tax money while we small business owners would get hung out to dry by the IRS if we try to do any finagling of what we owe in taxes. Our government has become so corrupt and our economy has gotten so bad due to these greedy people. It makes it harder and harder to do business due to the blood sucking government.

I think it is about time for another “Tea Party”!

It’s time for small business owners to stand up and fight back this corruption. Stand your ground as a business owner and demand that the laws change and we get our country back to where it used to be. If we can’t do it that way, maybe it’s time to do our civic duty and gather in a group to kick out those in government.

Well, that is my two cents worth of ranting, but keep in mind, our government is for the people and we are in charge, not them. Go read up on the constitution, that is what we should be following for an outline of how government should be ran. We are breaking our founding fathers own laws, they went through the same thing we are going through now, too much taxes and too much government control. They stood up and took charge and so should we.


Why Small Business Hates the Taxman

How President Obama Can Fix Small Businesses, Not Provide Band-Aids

Campaign for Ron Paul

Small Businesses To Suffer From Obama’s Tax Hike

Thanks for reading. Normally I am not this political, but I have been really ticked off the last couple of days when I found out how much I owe in taxes this year. Arrrrgggggggg!!!!

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