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Marketing Secrets of 6-Figure Freelance Design Business

Posted: April 7th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Business | No Comments »

By Jeanna Pool
Founder & President of the Freelance Design Marketing Association

Would you like to hit the 6-figure, $100,000 mark in your freelance design business?

Doing so gives you a lot more income (obviously) and a lot more freedom (a huge bonus). But, the most successful freelance designers don’t soar to the top magically overnight and it doesn’t happen by luck or some magic pill (although that would be nice). It does take work. Anyone who tells you otherwise is “pulling your leg” (as we say in Texas).

A designer becomes a 6-figure designer because they apply marketing strategies that work. Unfortunately most freelance designers don’t come anywhere near the $100,000 mark because they focus on the wrong things or try to copy what every one else in the design industry is doing for marketing — which is usually wrong and just creates a lot of “me too”, “copy cat” marketing.

If you want to reach the magic 6-figure income level, here are the secrets you must put into practice in order to maximize your earning potential and set your business up for success.

How do I know these are the secrets and they work?

Simple. These are the secrets I used to take my own freelance design business from absolute zero to 6-figures per year. And they’re the very same secrets other very successful small business owners do to reach the 6-figure mark too…

Secret #1: Marketing is a top priority. Freelance designers who are earning big incomes know their #1 job is marketing. They realize marketing is more important than anything else…yes, even more important than working with clients and creating great design.


Think about it. If you don’t market, you don’t have any clients to work with. So it doesn’t really matter how great you are as a designer, if you don’t market yourself successfully, you won’t make it…or at least you won’t be as successful as you really can be.

Secret #2: Focus on a profitable niche. If you want to earn big income and build the business of your dreams, you have to focus your marketing on a specific niche and target market.

Oh, I know you’ve heard that before…but the freelance designers who actually do it, prosper. Those that don’t, struggle. In fact, a so-so, not so good designer, who focuses on a profitable niche can make more money and be more successful than a fantastic, very talented designer, who doesn’t focus and works with anyone, everyone and someone.

Until you understand this and really take it to heart, your freelance business will not be as successful as it can be.

Secret #3: Become the expert. When people see you’re the ultimate expert at what you do, they expect to, and will pay more for your services. But no one will know you’re the expert unless you establish yourself as one and market that expertise.

You do this by marketing yourself consistently, getting out there and being visible and loading up your “marketing tool-box” with activities that position you in the marketplace, such as: writing articles, writing books, speaking, blogging, killer sucess stories and testimonials, etc.

Secret #4: Don’t work with just anyone. This aligns with Secret #2. There are good clients and there are bad clients. But, unfortunately most freelance designers think all clients are created equal. As long as someone can pay, that’s a good person to work with. Right?

Nope. Nothing could be further from the truth. Not only should you NOT work with just anyone, but to be super successful in your freelance design business, you should not even see every prospect that comes through your door.

Yep, you read that right…you should not even meet with or talk to every prospective client you come across. The reason, being selective gets rid of tire kickers and ensures you’ll have clients who are the best fit for you.

These secrets are what I use and other successful small business owners use to earn 6-figures per year…

If you put these marketing secrets into place for your small business, a bigger income will follow. You’ll be working with the best clients on the best paying projects, and in time you’ll be on your way to the 6-figure income that may have once seemed out of reach.

One more thing…If you’re ready to build the income and business of your dreams, the fastest way to do so is by becoming a member of the Freelance Design Marketing Association. Click here to learn more.

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