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Start Earning Money Today From Your PDF Content

Posted: September 26th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: Quick Blurbs | No Comments »

I am sure you all know about AdSense from Google and how you can make money by putting a piece of code in your web pages and Google pumps ads that are contextually related to your content, right?

But did you know you can also do the same with PDF files?

That’s right, you can now start to monetize any type of PDF content, including articles, newsletters, technical or journals articles, reprints, whitepapers, sellsheets and more.

How this works is that Adobe has formed a relationship with Yahoo so it is Yahoo ads that are pumped into your PDF files. When readers then click on the ads (like AdSense) you get paid.

The steps to get started are easy.

1. Register for an account here:

2. Then upload your PDF (or your clients) content to register it for ad placement

3. The PDF content is automatically analyzed to receive relevant ads that match your PDF content

4. Sit back, sip your iced tea and wait for he checks to roll in 🙂

Additionally you also have the ability to block competitive ads from appearing in your PDF.

I think there is a real opportunity for smart creative owners to take advantage of this opportunity. Once you set it up it’s a breeze to replicate the next batch of PDF’s.

Start Earning Money Today From Your PDF Content
Doug Farrick
I am sure you all know about AdSense from Google and how you can make money by putting a piece of code in your web pages and Google pumps ads that are contextually related to your content, right?
But did you know you can also do the same with PDF files?
That’s right, you can now start to monetize any type of PDF content, including articles, newsletters, technical or journals articles, reprints, whitepapers, sellsheets and more.
How this works is that Adobe has formed a relationship with
Yahoo so it is Yahoo ads that are pumped into your PDF files.
When readers then click on the ads (like AdSense) you get paid.
The steps to get started are easy.
1. Register for an account here:
2. Then upload your PDF (or your clients) content to register it for ad placement
3. The PDF content is automatically analyzed to receive relevant ads that match your PDF content
4. Sit back, sip your iced tea and wait for he checks to roll in 🙂
Additionally you also have the ability to block competitive ads from appearing in your PDF.
I think there is a real opportunity for smart creative owners to take advantage of this opportunity. Once you set it up it’s a breeze to replicate the next batch of PDF’s.
Now it’s up to you how fast you can get started.

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