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How Companies Benefited by Improving Their Web Design

Posted: October 12th, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Business, Design | Tags: , , , , , , | No Comments »

Great web design is sometimes unfairly brushed off as a luxury only huge brands can afford to carry out successfully. Companies with generous design and marketing budgets usually do take full advantage of their options and provide users with great online experiences.

However, although it may seem like this is a major league game, even simple web design tweaks and investments can result in huge payoffs. In this article, we’ll explore how several companies managed to increase their revenue and conversions by implementing some of the current web design trends. The following case studies and tips based on research compiled by DesignAdvisor help illustrate the power of good web design, and how any business can wield it.  

Make your site easy to navigate

The percentage of sales lost because customers can’t find what they require on a website goes as high as 50%. Nowadays, users online are accustomed to finding what they need quickly and easily so navigability is key. By improving their site’s architecture and ease of navigation, Botanica managed to increase sessions by 78%, page views by 102% and organic search traffic by 55%.

Provide easy access to information

A site’s search functionalities can help users find what they need in case they are unable to do so merely by browsing. If a search function in not implemented correctly or worse, missing entirely, the user’s overall perception of a website and the quality of their experience is likely to be negatively impacted. 60% of the time, when users can’t find information it’s due to poor search functionalities.

In the case of Volleyball BC, the sports site managed to increase user engagement by improving their search options. They implemented an advanced filtering system for searching results by game and team as well as searching events by location. As a result, the site saw a jump of 28% in visits and an increase in social referrals of over 500%.

Don’t forget about mobile devices

As more users migrate from laptops and desktops to mobile phones, companies failing to update their design to enable responsiveness to mobile devices are bound to see some adverse effects. Almost half of all users will take the fact that a website does not perform well on their phone as a sign that the business associated with it just doesn’t care enough.

HMT updated their site to fit mobile specifications and increased their monthly revenue by 159%; merely by introducing responsive web design, time spent on the site increased by 60%.

Speed up

Almost 50% of users think that a site should take no more than two seconds to load, and investing in meeting these expectations can have some very positive outcomes for a business. Allowing users to get to where they want to go faster helps you sell products and services. Shopzilla increased its conversion rate by 7-12% by simply getting their site to load 5 seconds faster. These small tweaks can clearly have significant impact on your business.

Check out plenty more trends, case studies and resources in the infographic below.


How to Create Amazing Infographics

Posted: July 23rd, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Design | Tags: , , | No Comments »

Infographics are a highly popular and effective content marketing tool. While plenty of brands are sharing generic blog content to gain visibility, infographics combine eye-catching graphics with understandable text, to help educate and engage consumers. Thanks to the current surge of internet content and these past few years of technological advancement, average humans now have an attention span shorter than that of a goldfish. This is making visual content even more essential for capturing people’s attention.

It should not come as a shock that high-quality infographics are shared more than any other type of content. So if your goal is to provide quality and value to your audience, rather than generic clickbait, creating infographics might be the way to go.

To successfully market using infographics, you must first come up with a good topic. You can then begin your research, finding the right facts and statistics. Once you’ve gathered a variety of compelling facts and stats, you’re ready to craft them into a powerful narrative. Your text is there to support the visual elements without distracting from them. Once you’ve created a compelling narrative, you can then move onto your design style. It’s important for the design to be clear while still getting the data across.

If you want to get started creating your own amazing infographics, check out the information below and get working!


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